
operated by 'Boulter Hosting'

An evaluation of Boulter Hosting

We, at dirt.doctor, have chosen 'Boulter Hosting' to be our current domain and web hosting distributor. Therefore we presume that this succinct review of 'Boulter Hosting' is perchance going to be quite useful for other people from all over the World in need of domain name and web hosting services. We say people from all around the World, because the simple truth is that 'Boulter Hosting' presently furnishes domain and hosting services in several datacenter facility locations: in North America (Chicago, IL), in the United Kingdom (Maidenhead, 20 miles outside London), in Sweden (Stockholm) and in Australia (Sydney). Thus, encompassing almost the whole World. At least as far as the World Wide Web is concerned. So, here is what you could expect from 'Boulter Hosting' in a nutshell:

Shared Hosting Solutions

The first detail we, at dirt.doctor, have noted is the reasonable prices of the shared web hosting solutions provided by 'Boulter Hosting'. Shared doesn't sound very well, does it? Well, that's what it is called: shared hosting. The good news here is that the web page hosting plans delivered by 'Boulter Hosting' are driven by an in-house created, leading edge cloud web hosting platform (each web hosting service, like electronic mail, databases, web site hosting CP, storage space, DNS, stats, etc., is being run on an autonomous bunch of web hosting servers in a cluster). This is something ANY cPanel web hosting corporation on the Globe will have great predicaments with, since cPanel is a one single server based website hosting platform (each hosting service, such as electronic mail, databases, web space hosting Control Panel, disk storage, DNS, stats, etc., is being run on a single web hosting server), cPanel is not open source (therefore the cPanel-based web site hosting firms are unable to include new functionality and handle it the way they want it) and there is no open source file system (they have to set up their own file system), which is the premise of any cloud web hosting service. Let's get back to the shared webspace hosting accounts, which are driven by a genuine clustered website hosting solution. With a shared web hosting package, each customer pays solely for his/her account, thus retaining the web space hosting price amazingly low (because numerous clients share the same web server). To cut a long story short, a shared hosting account, which is being served by a cloud web site hosting system, allows you to pay solely for the reserves that you indeed need, avoiding a situation where you pay for a high-end site hosting account that you cannot actually utilize, or for a tiny webspace hosting account that cannot shelter your website. The possibility to upgrade your account from one plan to another with just two clicks gives you the flexibility to start with a basic plan and upgrade as your web site expands. Hence, you spare capital that you can spend on promoting the site while it is still novel. Every web space hosting account provided by 'Boulter Hosting' ships with an online site building tool and over forty popular script-driven software platforms including WordPress, Joomla, Zen Cart and Moodle that will economize you 100s of dollars for website design solutions. 'Boulter Hosting' distributes shared web space hosting services in several different countries across the World. There is one datacenter facility in Chicago encompassing the US and Canada; two European data center facilities - in the UK and in Scandinavia; and another one in Australia, which covers the Asia Pacific. That way, practically the whole World is covered to present you and your visitors with a steady and dependable hosting solution at a convenient location. As a whole, the shared hosting plans offered 'Boulter Hosting' are quite well equipped and come at a very modest price (beginning from $5.42 for the Business plan).

Dedicated Web Servers

According to dirt.doctor, enormous web pages such as social networks, community and business web portals or famous online storefronts with 1000s of clients request a much more powerful web page hosting environment. It appears that the guys from 'Boulter Hosting' have drawn the same conclusion as well. To meet its customers' anticipations, 'Boulter Hosting' supplies an assortment of dedicated hosting servers that can cope with millions of daily visits. That estimate is based on the hardware specs the hosting servers sport: Dual and Quad-core processors, up to 4 gigabytes of RAM, 2000 gigabytes of storage space and Gigabit network cards will definitely guarantee the quick and steady work of any type of website. According to 'Boulter Hosting', the original hardware configurations can be upgraded for more resource-requiring web sites. We, from dirt.doctor, deem that all dedicated server solutions delivered by 'Boulter Hosting' are also suitable for setting up a hosting reseller business as every dedicated web server provides free-of-cost invoicing transaction software and a fee-free domain reseller account. Sadly, the dedicated web servers furnished by 'Boulter Hosting' are all unmanaged. We, at dirt.doctor, think that this is a little disadvantage, which can be amended by paying a monthly tax of $32.00 USD. So, if you need support, the Managed Services upgrade provides a bunch of additional services such as a regular backup, software installation, dedicated web server surveillance and troubleshooting operations. An array of web space hosting CP (CP) user interfaces are available with each of the servers - Hepsia, cPanel and DirectAdmin. Our (dirt.doctor's) forecast is that the amazing point-and-click File Manager available in the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel will possibly make the recourse to any File Transfer Protocol software program useless. Our (dirt.doctor's) conclusion is that the dedicated servers supplied by 'Boulter Hosting' don't appear to be very affordably priced (still the Hepsia web page hosting CP and the unmetered hosted domain quotas will doubtlessly make you smile), starting from $145.00 for the Xeon Scalable 8c plan.